Throughout our platform, you will encounter various sets of numbers. These may appear on the app or the website, and it's important to understand what they mean and how they are calculated. To better assist, we've provided a list of terms and their explanations below!
Net Sales
- Net Sales
- Value: The net sales amount calculated up to the most current transaction for today
- Percent: Net sales today divided by the historical net sales average
- Last *-day (day of the week)
- Value: Same day last week up to the most current transaction time for today
- Historic Avg
- Value: The same day last year, going back 3 years, averaged together
Sales This Week
- Sales This Week
- Value: Sales from the start of your business week up to the most current transaction today for this week
- Percent: Sales this week divided by the historical weekly sales average
- Last Week
- Value: All sales from start of business last week to start of business this week
- Historic Avg
- Value: Similar to same day last year except it's the same days of the week matching this week going back 3 years averaged together
Comps + Voids
- Comps + Voids
- Value: The comps and voids up to the most current transaction for today
- Percent: Comps and voids today divided by the historical average
- Promos
- Value: Sum of all sales items marked as promotional up to the most current transaction for today
- Percent: Promos for today divided by net sales for today
- Historic Avg
- Value: Comps and voids from same day last year, going back 3 years, averaged together
- Percent: Historic average divided by net sales for the days from the historic period
Top Item Sold
- Top Item Sold
- Value: The item with the most sales today minus voids, revenue items, and mods
- Top Seller
- Value: The person with the most net sales so far today
- Bottom Seller
- Value: The person with the least net sales so far today
Labor Costs
- Labor Costs
- Value: Sum of the labor spent today, including overtime, but excluding salary employees
- Percent: Labor spent today divided by net sales for today
- This Week
- Value: Sum of the labor spent during this business week up to this minute, including overtime, but excluding salary employees
- Percent: Labor spent this week divided by sales for this week
- Budgeted
- Value: Sum of the labor scheduled today up to this minute, including overtime, but excluding salary employees
- Percent: Labor scheduled for today divided by net sales for today
Employees Working / Scheduled
- Employees Working/Sched
- Value: X of Y employees where X is the current number clocked in, and Y is the number that are scheduled to be working this minute. If there is only an X, then there is no schedule made for this company right now
- Actual Hours
- Value: Sum of the labor hours spent up to this minute excluding salary employees
- Budgeted Hours
- Value: Sum of the labor hours scheduled up to this minute excluding salary employees
Purchases This Week
- Purchases This Week
- Value: Sum of vendor invoices that have been added for this business week
- Percent: Purchases this week divided by sales this week
- Last Week
- Value: Sum of vendor invoices that were added for the previous business week
- Percent: Purchases last week divided by sales last week
- 6 Week Avg
- Value: Sum of the last 6 weeks' vendor invoices divided by 6. If a week was 0, it is excluded from the calculation
- Percent: 6 week average divided by average sales for those 6 weeks
Open/Closed Checks
- Open/Closed Checks
- Value: X of Y checks, where X is open and Y is closed
- Check Avg
- Value: Sum of net sales up to this minute divided by the total number of checks including open ones
- Avg Check Time
- Value: Sum of the duration checks were open divided by the total number of checks rounded to the minute, including open checks
Total Number of Guests
- Total Number of Guests
- Value: Total number of guests who have visited today
- Avg Guests per Check
- Value: Total number of guests for the day divided by the total number of checks for that day
- Avg Net Sales Per Guest
- Value: Total net sales for the day divided by the total number of guests for that day
Petty Cash
- Petty Cash
- Value: Sum of on-hand cash deposited or taken from the register for payouts
- Percent: Petty cash for today divided by net sales for today
- Cash Payments
- Value: Sum of check payments that were cash
- Percent: Cash payments for today divided by net sales today
- Revenue Items
- Value: Sum of items sold marked as revenue items in the Point of Sale
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